Milking Equipment Repair Parts
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Seal Repair Kit for Small End Gate Cylinder #4215004
Sensor Cover for Hi-Flow Sensor
Coburn stainless steel pipeline fittings and dairy connectors are manufactured using the highest quality materials and workmanship.
Replacement short high-density polyethylene paddle for 2" tee to allow milk to flow into receiver.
Replacement short high-density polyethylene paddle for 2.5" Tee.
Replacement short high-density polyethylene paddle for 3" Tee.
Replacement short high-density polyethylene paddle for 4" Tee.
Number "4" on schematic diagram.
Number "5" on schematic diagram.
Number "1" on schematic diagram.
Replacement silicone seal for Butterfly Valve.
Coburn stainless steel pipeline fittings and dairy connectors are manufactured using the highest quality materials and workmanship.
Spring for Milk Pump