Featuring a two-quart capacity bottle made of strong durable polyethylene plastic this popular snap-on nurser features long-lasting pliable nipple. Bottle has graduation marks in pints and liters. Mouth of bottle measures 2-1/4" OD.
Besides enabling a larger feeding three-quart nursers have enough head space to thoroughly mix milk replacer with 2 quarts of water so an additional mixing container is not needed. Bottle is heavy polyethylene and the rubber nipples are both pliable and…
The first choice of calf raisers everywhere this nipple pail features a special design which places the drain hole at the bottom of the pail so your calves get all the milk at every feeding. Easy to sanitize and disassemble it can be hung over fence …
Calf-Mate Nipple Pails are made of tough thick-sided Fortalloy a poly/rubber blend that resists the effect of heat cold oils chemicals fertilizers weather strong detergents soaps and acids. Heavy-gauge galvanized steel fittings and bracket and…